The Importance of Note-Taking in Programming and Computer Science

Amir Ehsani
4 min readJun 21, 2023


How to take effective notes? How is it going to help?

One of the most beneficial habits I naturally developed over time is consistent note-taking. Since my teenage years, I recognized that I learn more effectively when I commit my thoughts to paper. Whenever I engaged in important learning activities, I made it a point to simultaneously take notes. In this article, we will explore the advantages of note-taking for active individuals in programming, computer science, or data science, discuss effective approaches to note-taking, and guide on improving note quality.

Why Should You Take Notes?

If we were to identify five non-technical skills that are crucial for professionals in the tech field and set them apart from others, note-taking would undeniably be one of them. Engaging in proper note-taking is not a difficult task; rather, it requires finding a method that works for you and committing to do so to develop this habit.

Computer science and data-related fields involve grappling with complex problems and concepts that demand concentration and attention. The primary function of our minds is not mere memorization, but rather the ability to identify and comprehend patterns through our neural networks. To maximize the potential of our minds, we should use them primarily for critical thinking, brainstorming, and problem-solving, rather than relying on them for memorization.

What Should You Note?

Your notes can serve as a personal log, extending beyond the scope of mere “note-taking” for enhanced learning. Apart from capturing information from classes and sessions, try to record valuable thoughts that occur to you in moments of solitude. For instance, when you conceive an idea for a project or receive a recommendation for a worthy book from a friend, your notes can prove invaluable. Furthermore, write down any insights and tips you acquire while working with various tools, such as a DBMS or a Linux command, and you will appreciate the benefits later on!

Qualities of a Good Note Source

By creating comprehensive and well-organized notes, you essentially construct a resource that allows you to retain the information you have encountered once (and will likely need to revisit), thereby saving valuable time. Trust me, this time-saving aspect is more significant than you may realize! Additionally, a good note is tailored to your individual learning style. What works for me may not work for you, and vice versa.

Even if you prefer the tangible experience of using physical paper, there are no barriers to utilizing notebooks and folders for note-taking. However, in general, a good note should possess the following qualities:

  1. Searchability: You should be able to quickly locate any note using a simple hint.
  2. Clear structure and organization: You should know where to store each piece of information and have a clear understanding of where you are most likely to find specific items.
  3. If you opt for digital notes, ensure regular backups are performed, whether on a disk or in the cloud. You can even explore creative automation options!

Which Tools Should You Use?

Naturally, it takes time to discover the “best” note-taking style. Rather than aiming for perfection, focus on finding a “good” method and format that works for you. This process entails trial and error, and once you find a winning combination, stick with it until you genuinely feel the need for a new approach.

There are several tools available to assist you in writing, editing, and preserving your notes. Four of the most popular free tools are:

  1. Notion
  2. OneNote
  3. Evernote
  4. Obsidian

The Importance of Sharing Notes

One of the strengths of the tech community is the selfless collaboration among its members. It is indeed a fact that the growth or decline of a society directly impacts the growth or decline of its individuals, whether on a global scale, within a city, or in a professional community. Therefore, strive to publicly share summaries and notes that you believe will benefit others. GitHub is a valuable tool for this purpose. By doing so, you will contribute to the collective advancement of knowledge and expertise within the community.

Engaging in such actions can help you become better recognized within your surrounding community and establish meaningful connections. Do not forget the fundamental principles of professional relationship building: Be kind and considerate towards others, and take the initiative to approach them first!

Thank you for your valuable time and I hope it was helpful for you. I encourage you to connect with me on LinkedIn.



Amir Ehsani
Amir Ehsani

Written by Amir Ehsani

B.Sc. in Software Engineering. Currently focused on back-end development. Interested in Python, blockchain, DevOps concepts and tools. Always hungry to learn!

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